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How Hair Transplant Look Natural & When Hair Grows After Surgery?

Hair transplant can work wonders for you by re-growing the lost hair. In India, many of us still don’t have much knowledge about hair restoration surgery. This safe and effective treatment is the only way to bring hair back on your scalp permanently.

We have shortlisted two most frequently asked questions (FAQs) by people dealing with hair loss. These 2 Questions and Answers will help you to understand hair transplant surgery. Have a look.

FAQ #1 – What Makes Hair Transplant Natural And Undetectable

In hair restoration surgery, one generally wishes that the outcome should look as natural as possible, and one other desire of patients is that the results should not look obvious, or other people can’t point out that he had hair restoration surgery. At the end of the day, everybody wishes that it should not look detectable.

With advancements in technology, and skills & experience of the surgeon, it has become quite possible to accomplish this goal. Various points need to be kept in mind, so that the outcomes of the surgery do not appear obvious and the hair looks natural. When we consider the scars of the donor area, the two procedures used for extraction namely FUT and FUE are also important.

In FUT method, a strip of skin is extracted and the cut is repaired either with staples or sutures. Experienced surgeon uses the most effective closure techniques that make the scar almost invisible.

In FUE method, there are hardly any scars left behind on both donor and receiver areas as tiny holes are made in this method, which eventually heal in a few days.

After extracting the follicles, the experience, knowledge, and aesthetic approach of the surgeon play a crucial role in restoring the natural look of the hairline. While making slits and transplanting the follicles, the natural orientation of the hair should be considered so that transplanted hair grows in natural direction, or else the outcomes will appear unacceptable to the eyes.

Hair Transplant Clinics generally consider the features and age of the patient, with the goal that age & face appropriate hairline is re-established, and an unnatural looking low hairline is not developed. Remember, if the surgeon has good experience, knowledge and follows the guidelines, then it’s 100% possible to achieve natural looking result from hair transplant in India.

FAQ #2 – When To Expect Hair Growth After Hair Transplant?

After receiving hair transplant, growth of hair is a whole process that you need to understand properly. Remember, hair restoration surgery is not just a procedure that is performed today and starts yielding outcomes tomorrow. You need to consult every single detail about the surgery beforehand including all the post treatment developments.

After restoration process is completed, the grafts that have been harvested and transplanted into the balding area endure some shock, which makes them to go into the resting stage. Because of this shock the patient will witness temporary hair shedding and there’s no need to worry since this development is quite common after the transplant.

The rate of shedding may be different in every case, and it might go from partial shedding to complete shedding. This phase of temporary shedding usually begins 3 or 4 weeks after the surgery and can remain in effect for 2 to 3 months. The surgeon may prescribe a few medicines for this shedding procedure.

After the fourth month, the development of the transplanted grafts begins. In the starting phases, the development might be thin as every graft may not begin to develop at the same time. This happens because the distribution of development cycle is random, and not every hair is in the development phase at a given time.

Six months later, your hair starts becoming denser, strong, and lengthier. Full development is expected and generally achieved 12 months after the hair transplant surgery.

Know Top Benefits Of Cranberry Juice & Its Nutritional Value

As the sun gets hotter and hotter in this summer, the demand for various tasty energy juices rises. There are various juices, cold drinks available in the market from which we can satisfy our thirst such as lemon juice, sugarcane juice, fruit juice etc. Have you heard about Cranberry juice? Yes. Today we will look at what are the benefits of Cranberry juice and its nutrition facts.

What is Cranberry?

Cranberries are a versatile fruit and their benefits make them useful in food as well as in medicinal products. The Latin name for the cranberry plant is Vaccinium macrocarpon and they are one of the native fruits of North America. Cranberries have a tremendous amount of antioxidant capacity as compared to other vegetables and fruits like broccoli, spinach, and apples. One cup of cranberries measures a total 8983 antioxidant capacity.

The health benefits of cranberry juice include relief from urinary tract infection (UTI), respiratory disorders, kidney stones, cancer, and heart diseases. It is also beneficial in preventing stomach disorders and diabetes, as well as gum diseases caused by dental plaque. Phytonutrients, which are naturally derived plant compounds, are present in cranberries and have been found to prevent a wide range of health problems.

Nutritional Value Of Cranberry Juice

A cup of cranberries possesses 8983 antioxidant capacity. It contains anthocyanin flavonoids, cyanidin, peonidin, quercetin, tannins and 87.13g of water per 100 g. It is a good source of salicylic acid and Vitamin C.It nourishes the body with carbohydrates, proteins, minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, Vitamin B6, E and K.

Benefits of Cranberry Juice

Improves Cardiovascular HealthCranberry juice can help lower the risk of heart-related ailments and assist in sustaining cardiovascular health. The flavonoids present in cranberries have antioxidant properties and may decrease the threat of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the arteries are narrowed due to the buildup of fat, calcium, and cholesterol found in blood.

This obstructs the flow of oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body and may lead to potentially fatal outcomes like heart attacks and strokes. These compounds have been shown to delay and suppress the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL cholesterol) and beneficially stimulate the blood platelets.

Avoids Respiratory Infections

According to conducted studies, cranberry juice helps inhibit certain strains of the Haemophilus influenza, which is a common cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. The juice inhibits the bacteria’s hair-like structures, inhibiting them from adhering to the surface of the skin.

Prevents Cancer

Cranberry contains proanthocyanidins, which inhibit the growth of various cancer cells. Studies have suggested that diets rich in flavonoids play a fundamental role in reducing the risk of cancer as well as cancer mortality.

Cranberry juice contains anti-carcinogenic components that interfere with the growth of cancer cells, particularly those associated with colon and prostate cancer.

According to studies, proanthocyanidins can stop micro-tumours from developing in the blood vessels. Regular consumption of cranberry juice prevents the rapid growth of tumours. Chemicals in cranberries also prevent the multiplication of breast cancer cells.

Combats Tooth Decay

Cranberry juice is also known to prevent tooth decay. Proanthocyanidin, found in cranberries, inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause plaque and prevents the decay of teeth due to development of cavities. Good dental hygiene along with a moderate consumption of cranberry juice disrupts the mechanism of pathogenesis and promotes good dental health.

Unsweetened cranberry juice decreases the incidence of the bacteria that are found in the mouth and combats bad breath too. A healthy dose of this juice ensures clean teeth at all times.

Now one can buy juice online as there are many online grocery shops available for you. With the invention of this shops, one can easily buy any milk product. Also purchasing milk products from your nearby grocery stores may include risks as there are chances of adulteration in milk products. Thus stop buying unadulterated products and move to online shopping for safer and quality branded juices.

Autologous Plasma Eye Drops: What Are They?

Patients with a more severe dry eye disease may need to use prescribed medication such as short-term use of steroids or immunosuppressant medication such as cyclosporine eye drops/ointment. These types of drops work by decreasing inflammation and increasing tear production.

Other Dry Eye Therapies

Along with the above topical treatments, the use of other therapies can be used to help the symptoms for dry eye disease such as punctal plugs; which are inserted into the tear ducts to stop tears from draining away too fast, heated eye masks and eye lid massages; to help unblock the meibomian glands which can contribute to dry eye disease, moisture goggles; which help reduce tear evaporation, and taking oral nutritional supplements.

Autologous plasma eye drops may be indicated if the above treatments fail to control the eye symptoms and the cornea is continuing to be damaged. An ophthalmologist will assess the patient’s suitability for these eye drops before suggesting them.

What Are Autologous Plasma Eye Drops Made From?

Autologous plasma eye drops are made from the patient’s own blood. The patient will attend an appointment and will be assessed by a nurse to make sure they are healthy enough to give blood, if so then around 1 pint of blood is taken, this is done in the same way as giving a blood donation or similar to a blood test, but more is taken.

Once the blood has been taken from the patient it is then made into the eye drops. This process isn’t instant, and the patient will normally need to return a couple of weeks later to collect the drops. Firstly, the blood is tested to make sure it is viable to be manufactured into eye drops. If the tests come back clear the second process can begin.

The blood is left to clot for about 10 hours, once this has happened the blood, which is in a special package, is placed in a centrifuge and spun for around 15 minutes. This causes the red blood cells to separate from the plasma. Once completely separated the plasma is diluted in a sterile saline solution and frozen into daily doses.

One unit of blood can produce enough eye drops to last the patient roughly 3 months, but this can vary patient to patient and depending how much blood was initially taken from the patient. The plasma drops must be kept frozen at all times and only one daily dose is to be defrosted and used per day by the patient.


The autologous plasma eye drops do not contain any additives or preservatives. The eye drops work as they have vitamin A, immunoglobulins, fibronectin, and growth factors which all contribute to promote epithelial health by making the eyes heal faster and increase the eye’s lubrication.

Some patients may find it difficult to find traditional artificial tears that work for them and that do not irritate their eyes further, but as autologous plasma eye drops are made from the patient’s own blood they serve as a good artificial tear replacement.

Find Certified Trichologist Doctors for Hair Loss Treatment

If you are going through with hair loss issue and not able to search any effective method to get rid of this problem then you should absolutely consider hair loss treatment that is widely popular these days. Nowadays hair transplantation has become the necessity to prevention of hair fall and re-birth of hairs. But there is sheer need of research and inquiry before opting for the treatment. First, you need to know the nuances of hair transplant. This treatment is a widespread technique that is applied to get natural hair again. Implantation of hair in Delhi is already honoured by their excellent work in this field.

Indisputably hair uprooting method is a astounding invention in medical science that has given massive benefits to those people who have continuously facing the hair fall problem. People generally don’t go for hair uprooting at first, they normally tries home remedies and DIY solutions, but these methods are not enough to eliminate hair fall disease. Another reason of not choosing hair fall treatment is that, they find it costly, but if you want permanent solution, there is nothing wrong in spending little bit extra bucks from your pocket. There is no use of wasting your time and money on other cheap methods to abolish hair loss ailment. Continuous hair loss is matter of serious concern and embarrassment for any individual and only professional trichologist doctors can get a permanent solution for hair fall. Delhi and NCR has many renowned hair doctors and dermatologist who can inspect the root cause for your hair reduction and provide well-accepted remedies.

This issue needs to be care with handle and precautions that is only supervised by a certified Trichologist. They understand the depression of patient and help patient to come out of this serious hair fall disease by giving influential Hair Loss Treatment. It can be treated by giving medical surgery or hormonal imbalance treatment.

Falling of hair is generally the result of inappropriate diet, hormonal imbalance, genetic, stress and many other factors. Trichologist doctors are the best person to solve out this disease because they will work on the root cause of the problem, whether it is bout improper metabolism of body or any kind of stress in patient’s mind. Scalp problem is also one of the leading cause of hair loss because it generally damaged by dandruff and other provocative conditions. And there is no any question in that changing in metabolism, tension, imbalanced diet, skin allergies and many foods that can be reason for hair extraction. To maintain the safety and cleanliness of hair and scalp is very evident because it can prevent any kind of hair elimination and ailment. The guidance of a certified and qualified trichologist has the remedy and best possible treatment to address your scalp and hair texture problem. The trichologist will prescribe suitable and best possible pharmaceutical and medical treatment so that you can get rid of this annoying hair loss.